Oelrich Construction recently won multiple accolades for excellence in construction. A snapshot of each achievement is detailed below.
ENR Southeast – 2019 Best Small Project Award (<$10 million)
Victory Pointe Park in Clermont, FL
Contractor: Oelrich Construction Inc.
Lead Design Firm: GAI Consultants Inc.
Our team’s work on Victory Pointe was recognized from more than 120 project entries for this honor from the Engineering News Record (ENR). The project competed against other notable projects in the Southeast region, which includes Alabama, Florida, Georgia., North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Judging criteria for the 2019 Best Projects award program included: overcoming challenges & teamwork, safety, innovation & contribution to the industry/community, construction quality & craftsmanship, as well as functionality of design & aesthetic quality.
“Only 10 acres in size, Victory Pointe Park re-envisions the conventional approach to stormwater management. Configured in three zones, the park includes an upper-level settlement pond that gradually releases stormwater into a series of cascading marshes, where native plants and other natural processes gradually clean the water. The stormwater is ultimately conveyed into a vegetated meandering stream that feeds Lake Minneola, a state-designated impaired water body. The park also includes a waterfront zone with a beach for swimming, flexible open space, a multistory observation tower and elevated trails with benches and interpretive signage. The need for an upgraded downtown stormwater management facility was reinforced throughout construction as work was beset by a series of major rain events, including a hurricane. As the park site was a natural wetland, some areas had muck deposits up to 36 ft deep. Saturated soils required several months of dewatering before being dry enough to haul, while timber-pile roadways and incremental grading were needed to safely access the site. The project team monitored the water table and, when needed, pumped out the area to make the ground solid enough to install foundations for the observation tower, bridge and boardwalks that wind through multiple retaining ponds. Even then, a larger crane was required to drive large timber pilings into the unstable soil. Meanwhile, the team had to carry out work on both sides of the South Lake Trail. Signage advising pedestrians, runners and cyclists of changes in direction and work activities was posted well in advance so that they could adjust their training schedules accordingly.
Nature dealt the project one last challenge in the closing weeks, drenching Clermont with several downpours that tested the landscape team. Aquatic plants were replaced with new varieties that could handle submersion in deeper water, while sod on steep slopes was pinned down to counteract early washouts. The project provided an innovative approach to safeguarding the environment as well as a complementary new events venue that will help attract future downtown development.”

ABC of Central Florida – EIC Eagle Award (Heavy Infrastructure $5 – $10 million)
Bluford Avenue Reconstruction in Ocoee, FL
Contractor: Oelrich Construction Inc.
Lead Design Firm: CPH
Our team’s work on Bluford Avenue was recognized by the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Central Florida. Judging criteria for the 2019 Excellence in Construction (EIC) program included: execution of design, quality of craftsmanship, attention to detail, proper installation, outstanding planning and coordination efforts, challenges successfully overcome, project complexity, custom materials, safety programs, and owner satisfaction.
“The Bluford Avenue Reconstruction project was one of the very first major projects constructed as part of the City of Ocoee’s $44 million master plan for its downtown. The intent of this project was to develop an attractive boulevard environment with enhanced stormwater/utility capacity to support Downtown Ocoee’s economic growth and future high-density development. The Bluford Avenue Reconstruction boundary covers the 0.6-mile corridor between the Delaware Street and Silver Star Road (SR 438) intersections. The project consisted of two core components, consolidation and upgrade of approximately 3,000 linear feet of water main with a new gravity sewer system and reconstruction of approximately 3,000 linear feet of roadway and asphalt pavement including curbs, storm drainage, brick pavers, sidewalks, landscaping and LED street lighting.”

ABC of Central Florida – Diamond Level STEP Award
Oelrich Construction Safety Program
Contractor: Oelrich Construction Inc.
Our team’s safety program was once again recognized by the Associated Builders and Contractors’ national Safety-Training-Evaluation-Process (STEP) benchmarking program. Oelrich Construction’s corporate safety program and EMR performance was examined through a 24-point evaluation. Diamond-level STEP participants tend to be 680 percent safer than the BLS average, according to ABC.
Source: ABC STEP program